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Ship a package and have receiver pay?

by Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd

Is there an easy way to have someone else pay or print shipping labels? Think 26 year old girl easy…

This girl I was talking(4 weeks) to tried to be slick and hand me some packages to ship back home to her. She said she was going to pay me but she never gave me money up front and instead told me just tell her how much she owes as she will be back in the summer…

Not sure how I feel about this so I requested a check upfront before sending them. Shes looking close to $100 with USPS.

Suggestions? She is willing to write a check but I would prefer if she could just pay somehow. Is there anything she could use that is simple and would email me the labels?

Anything? Even if she creates a usps account and then sends me the password so I can just jump on and print the labels? Does paypal email shipping labels?

or should I just eat this and pay?

Tags: Payments
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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post

Well, I myself managed to figure out how to create prepaid shipping labels on Paypal. Perhaps you could go have a look, then write her a quick tutorial of the steps. And I understand PirateShip is quite easy (even for girls) too

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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post

Not quite sure what you are trying to do here. If you want to personally bill a person for anything, open a PayPal or Square account. They are both money brokers. Then send then an invoice, and wait for the payment.

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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post

^ How do you know this girl? Why is she handing you some packages to ship to her, promising to pay you when she is back in the summer? I fail to follow this…

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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post

Eh? I don’t see anything in your post that would explain why on earth you would do that.

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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post

Why did you come here asking for suggestions on how to deal with shady people? How is this tied to selling on Amazon?

If she’s “trying to be slick”, then your best bet is to not get involved in any way with this girl.

This would be your best bet, however keep in mind that if she is “being slick” already, then she could just dispute the charges with her credit card company and she will likely get her money back 90% of the time, especially in a case where you are providing a service.

Your best bet is to just drop this girl like a bad habit.

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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post

I’ve read your whole post eight times, trying different scenarios, and still don’t understand the relationship between you and the girl and the packages and the labels and the summer…and Amazon.

But, from what you have said (I think “slick” is the operative word), it’s pretty clear to me that you’d never see the money if you did this. You’ve broached a couple ideas here that might work, but they would require her cooperation, and I don’t think that’s in her game plan.

I don’t think any of us know where we’ll be come summer…

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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post


I think you should try to limit your exposure to people of the the opposite sex, that might be postage needy, just send them down to the post-office…

Alternatively give them the link to postage pirate… if they’re printer deprived, maybe they could find someone else with a printer, to help them out…

No matter how cute Wylie & interesting they may be or seemingly appear to be…

You just don’t want to look like a postage sticker -Sugar Daddy…

Good luck

LOL - oh, I don’t think the post office does - c o d - anymore anyways…

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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post

I think we have a case a “white knight syndrome” here. This would kinda sorta explain everything (almost).

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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post

haha. Thanks for the laughs. I might just have her use paypal or and just mail me the labels. I was hoping for something where she could use and it would email me the label just like a return label would to the customer. Paypal does not email labels correct?

She gave them to me as I picked her up to take her to the airport at 4am…I guess she thought mattscomputers could ship them free. a few bucks would be ok but this is going to cost close to $100.

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In reply to: Seller_TD8kClMwLYBMd's post

So it does seem like PP allows you to just purchase the shipping label, and its web based! So she can pdf the files or PP will email a link to print the labels! Yeppie!

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