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Introducing new, simplified inventory reporting

by News_Amazon

We are excited to announce the launch of a new, simplified inventory reporting experience. The enhancements to the Inventory Adjustments report are designed to give you a more precise view of adjustments to your inventory levels, such as when items are deemed to be misplaced or damaged at an Amazon fulfillment center.

Your inventory adjustments will still be downloadable and available online. We have added two enhancements to the report:

  • Online method: Misplaced, warehouse damaged, and found inventory adjustments will provide links to the reconciliation adjustment in the Inventory Adjustment report or the reimbursement transaction in the Reimbursement report.
  • Downloadable method: Misplaced, warehouse damaged, and found inventory adjustments will provide “reconciled” and “unreconciled” quantity columns. For example, when an inventory adjustment is reimbursed or reconciled, you will see unreconciled quantity decrease and reconciled quantity increase.

For all unreconciled inventory adjustments dated after November 15, 2019, you will be able to file a claim with Amazon immediately versus having to wait 30 days. Learn more about the new simplified inventory reporting.

Tags: News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

In case this isn’t readily apparent … this relates to Amazon FBA and inventory.


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I hope it will help some sellers. But would it help to find my inventory FBA constantly losing upon arrival of my boxes? From time to time FBA states they received less items then I shipped or sometimes they receiving 0 items ( it looks as I shipped empty boxes). In my case I don’t see how “immediately” filing a claim can help if reconciliation never worked. Every time I open reconciliation I get declined and newer reimbursement.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When will Amazon come up with a report that will show available inventory, inbound inventory, product being transferred , product being processed that is not available yet, and pending orders that have been removed from fulfillable inventory. It is impossible to get a clear and concise snapshot of our inventory at amazon at any given time.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

How can I see my fba inventory by expiration date? 13 units (of 125) have been identified as expired and set aside. Only problem is I have only shipped 1 lot of this sku to amazon an it all has same expiry date of oct 2020. I have an open case pending as they check with warehouse but being able to see all inventory by dating would have been helpful to spot issue in advance.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Ok I just viewed the online report, and the downloadable report. No data, in any field has a hyperlink. What am I missing?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

It’s about time the inventory reporting was simplified, however will this now result in FULL traceablilty? I am sick and tired of the Amazon scams that try to hide what’s really going on.

For example, return orders that never got returned and you were reimbursed for, which suddenly have the reimbursement reversed. Amazon will often claim they refunded you in inventory but refuse to provide links or explain where that inventory came from.

If I am the ONLY seller of that item then obviously it originated with me and Amazon should be able to explain how they obtained it. When I’ve asked about this all I’ve been given is vague possibilities of where it might have come from.

That is unacceptable. It’s equally possible that Amazon has made an error somewhere and without FULL tractability it would be impossible to know. Why should a seller have to just suck it up because Amazon have fouled up but refuse to provide FULL transparency?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So who else has a ton of unreconciled transactions? I went back through the last year of them and only found a recent one that had just hit 30 days that I think was legitimately unreconciled.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Hi, there. Please, explain detailed, I don’t understand:

  1. How to connect transaction id from the Inventory Adjustment Report with the reimbursement id from Inventory Reimbursement report?

  2. How “reconciled” or “unreconciled” is connected with Inventory Reimbursement report?

  3. If I have M reason (Lost) item with unreconciled 1, what does it mean?

  4. If I have N reason (Found) item with reconciled 1, what does it mean?

Thank you

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