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❓Terminology Trivia with Amazon!
by Seller_zukQNO61PzGck

Hey Sellers!

Today we are looking to test your knowledge of Listings Terms! Below is a list of terms commonly used as Amazon Sellers, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to identify how these terms are used by Amazon and what makes them different! Next week I’ll let you know the result and who can call themselves an Amazon Term Expert! Extra points awarded for detail!

  • Listing
  • Detail Page
  • ASIN
  • Offer
  • Attribute
  • Contribution

Good luck and thanks in advance for showing your skills!


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A while back my cell phone was stolen with my Amazon seller login in it. I made a new account thinking I would never get access to my previous account. My new account was flagged for Multiple Account Policy Violation. So I needed to access my old account ASAP.

I finally did and I reactivated or reinstated it and then I permanently deactivated that original account and closed it. I kept my second account just because nothing personal. So, now I am stuck getting automated responses that I need to Appeal ALL Policy Violation when my account is in good health 200/1000 . I read the Multiple Seller Account Violations and proved that this was all not intentional and because my phone was stolen and I proved a police report and everything.

Should I just deactivate this current account all together , I am so stuck and have sent a years worth of Appeals.

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On Feb 23rd there was a sudden change to the used "buy box"(featured offer used) in the books category.

For as long as the  used "buy box" in used books has been around, it has favored FBA sellers. Now on about 50% of all book detail pages, seemingly randomly, it is no longer favoring FBA like it was, night and day difference. This change is affecting all sellers across the board.

I understand if this is a change to the ruleset for the Used buy box. I just want to make sure it is not a glitch, an unintentional change made when there were other changes made to the formula/ page format. 

9 years ago, a very similar issue came up, and the forum moderators were very helpful in resolving it. My business is at a standstill until we can know which direction this is going, would be so grateful to get some direction.

Can a moderator here contact the appropriate internal team and confirm if this is a glitch or a change?




Would really appreciate it!! :)


Some example Asins old ruleset:





Some example Asins new ruleset:





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INFORM Act Tax Questionnaire HELPPP!
by Seller_u6hCmJ3osbfNt
Amazon replied


Good morning @Emet_Amazon , I am writing to you because I see that you have solved some cases of sellers like me and you have been very helpful with this issue.

Two days ago I saw that in my account information I had to verify according to the law some fiscal data, I am LLC of a single member NON resident so I choose the option of personal classification and not as a company. When I go to enter my EIN number and hit submit all the data it tells me that my name and my Tax ID do not match in the IRS records.

I can see that in this INFORM questionnaire my company's US address is the default, however in the Amazon tax interview as well as in the legal entity my permanent residential address in Panama appears. From what I see it seems to be a problem with the address, however here in the INFORM questionnaire it does not allow to change the address and I do not know why it is wrong in autimatico. I see my fiscal information in Amazon and everything is fine, however how do I change it here in the questionnaire? I see that other people are being told to update it inside amazon, however inside amazon it is correct.

I have opened the case: 17340894751 however I have not received an answer for 2 days.

Could you help me?

Thank you very much

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Premium A+ Content Access Issue
by Seller_LiAc8JkQqBtiA

I’m having trouble accessing Premium A+ content. In January 2025, I submitted an A+ brand story for all my ASINs and created 15 A+ content listings, all of which were approved. However, as of March 2025, I still don’t have access to Premium A+ content. When I contacted Seller Support, they informed me that approval is automated and takes place on the first Friday of each month. If that were true, I should have gained access in February, but that hasn’t happened.

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My 3-Month Battle with Amazon’s Broken Appeal System

  • I submitted 100% legitimate invoices from my supplier, a well-known and established supplier.

Amazon rejected my first appeal without any explanation. I added even stronger proof, including:

  • Bank statements proving payment to the supplier.
  • Tracking numbers & order confirmation emails for all invoices from my supplier.
  • A Google Drive video proving my invoices were sent directly by my supplier through email.
  • Steps to verify my invoices through the supplier’s website: Simply enter my order number from the invoice and my supplier's email, and all order details will be displayed.

Amazon still rejected my appeal with the same response! How Can Amazon Accuse Me of Fake Invoices?

  • I provided step-by-step instructions for Amazon to verify my invoices.
  • I gave Amazon direct contact details for my supplier.
  • I recorded video proof of my invoices coming directly from my supplier’s email.

I recently came across a shocking post on Reddit, written by an Amazon internal team member. They admitted that appeals are being rejected due to claims of fake documents, and in many cases, documents are wrongfully labeled as fake without proper verification.

Here’s the full screenshot of the Reddit post:

Amazon Support is NOT Helping Sellers! I have spoken with the Account Health Specialist multiple times, but I am not receiving any actual support.

Why is Amazon rejecting legitimate invoices without properly verifying them? If you got reinstated, how did you force Amazon to review your case properly?

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This is my first time posting. I really need some help because I feel like I’m going in circles with Amazon support and getting nowhere.

We sell a **personal massage device**, which is classified under **FDA regulation 21 CFR 890.5660** as a **510(k) exempt product**—meaning it **does NOT require a 510(k) premarket notification**. Despite explaining this multiple times and submitting extensive supporting documentation, Amazon continues to flag our listing as a restricted medical device.

Steps We've Taken So Far:

- Submitted photos of the product packaging and the item itself

- Provided pictures of instructions for use from the user manual, including a page explicitly stating that this device is NOT a medical device and is 510(k) exempt

- Sent FDA regulatory information, FDA registration number for the manufacturer and a detailed explanation of why this device does not require a 510(k).

Yet, Amazon keeps requesting the same documentation over and over again, despite us already providing everything they’ve asked for.

To Make Things Worse… Unauthorized Listing Changes

Recently, we noticed that someone other than us changed our product’s category to "Other Entertainment Collectibles Collectible - Like New," and the product type was changed to "Appendage Warmers." Immediately after this, our listing was flagged as a restricted product.

This is **not the first time this has happened**. Over time, we have dealt with:

- Our product being recategorized into adult categories** without our consent

- Images being changed

- Incorrect product details being added

- Repeated unauthorized changes that seem intentionally designed to trigger listing restrictions

We have previously reported this and were told the case was being sent to the **Abuse Team**, and that our listing would be gated to prevent further interference. However, it seems that this never happened, and we are still dealing with listing tampering.

We Need Help!

At this point, we need guidance from other sellers who may have dealt with similar situations. How can we escalate this beyond the endless loop with Seller Support? Has anyone successfully had their listing gated or protected from tampering?

If anyone has advice on how to get through to Amazon and resolve this once and for all, please share! We are losing quite a bit in sales profit and we are sitting on a ton of inventory.

Thanks in advance for any insights!

**Case Number: 17307995741**

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Listing Blocked/Inactive - No Reason
by Seller_NWdjZ79F13dAn

One of my listings got blocked, went Inactive. It says "Your listing is currently inactive. Recently created listings may still be processing." I haven't received any performance/account health notifications. I'm trying to find more information on why this happened and what I can do to reactivate it.

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Today, hundreds of caps were removed where you can see the words Trump, Vance, Kennedy.

It seems like an anti-Trump campaign has begun.. It's strange that this is happening today, and not yesterday....

I can't understand what violation is in the texts where these words are - Trump Vance Musk? The Fix button doesn't work...

This detail page was removed for potential policy violations. Visit the account health dashboard for more information.

I can't understand what this cap violates, for example Trump Musk - ONE Team - ONE Dream? Who does it offend? or Cap Trump Golden Age hat - Golden Age Trump hat - Golden Age of America Hats?

Help me understand the reason.

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Product still under review after two months
by Seller_QsSKfuAVjZ3B6

Dear Amazon Compliance Support Team,

We received a compliance request for our product in December 2024, and all required documents have been submitted. Catalog team has confirmed that age has been updated from title and age attribute column.

The product is at risk of removal, which will occur automatically by April 4, 2025. This has caused significant disruption to our business, and we kindly request your guidance or escalation of the case to ensure prompt allocation and review.

Case: 17346110581

Thank you for your assistance

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Cierre de cuenta y las facturas siguen
by Seller_htek1dNojdU2b

Hace meses que cerramos la cuenta con lo que dejamos de tener acceso a seller central, no obstante Amazon seguia facturandonos mensualmente y no habia modo de pararlo, como digo ya no teniamos a seller central.

Desesperados dimos de baja la tarjeta para ver si de ese modo Amazon se ponia en contacto con nosotros y nada, tampoco, siguen enviando notificaciones de fallo en el cobro pero NADIE nos llama ni nos escribe jamas ni dan ningún modo de acceso para resolver nada que no sea Seller Central. Desesperado me di de alta de nuevo en Seller Central y aqui estoy escribiendo a ver si es posible que alguien de Amazon se ponga en contacto conmigo para zanjar esto para siempre, resulta desesperante.


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