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_GET_ORDERS_DATA_ always returns _DONE_NO_DATA_

by Seller_06QZNs41VitRV

I checked the above question out earlier, I scheduled this report request with the scratchpad and that seems to work fine. I’m curious if the issue is the fact that my StartDate and EndDate are the same because of the last reply on the link. Do they need to be different? If so, how would I set them to be different times? The api only allows for you to provide a “ScheduleDate” not start and end dates. Additionally, as far as I can tell you MUST schedule the GET_ORDERS_DATA event type in order to receive it. Every other time I request it like another report it says that it is not available at this time. I get the feeling I am missing something big or something is broken with my code. Thanks for reading!

Tags: Reporting
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In reply to: Seller_06QZNs41VitRV's post

I believe you are using the wrong operation. You should be using RequestReport which definitely has a start and end date.

Request report will output a GeneratedReportId in its response which you use to call GetReportRequestList once you report has been generated use the GeneratedReportId on the GetReport operation.

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