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Competing for the 'Buy Box'

by Seller_oXHByhwsyX3xf

Hello everyone! Wanted to find out more details on the buyers box as its still vague on how this works. 2 part question.

  1. lets say seller A has an established product with high reviews. Is the seller B, who is new, able to just start selling the same product based on ASIN and start competing for the buy box with no reviews, as long as it’s the exact same product and specs?

  2. Seller A features 3 color variations of the products, but the new seller B is only featuring 1 color. Is seller B still going to be competing for the buy box for the 1 color he/she is selling? Or is seller B, at this point, out? I know this is a very technical question: When I land on a product page, I click on all the variation products to see their photos. If the consumer does that, and goes back to the product that both sellers are selling, is seller B out of the loop now?

I would appreciate any help, advise or personal experience on this subject!

Tags: ASIN, Buy Box, Images, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_oXHByhwsyX3xf's post

i answered both lol.
Yes seller A creates the ad, works hard to get it boosted…seller B jumps on, cheaper, steals sales.

Seller A is selling green red and blue. Seller B can only buy B. Seller B will win buy box for blue for reasons xyz. but seller A will retain buy box for green and red.

There is a million+ $$ pot for who ever figures out the key to winning the buy box constantly

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In reply to: Seller_oXHByhwsyX3xf's post

yes because if they are on the ad they are selling the SAME item. item reviews are…item reviews. As noted in other threads, feedback history seems to play no part in buy box. They would only be buy box capable for the item that is EXACT not the other colors etc.

The buy box is a mystery. There seems to be no reason why a cheaper better seller isnt getting it at times over a higher priced, delayed shipping item. There are many threads on the screwy buy box issues.

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