I am Ayla from YANIBEST, a brand has been committing to providing customers with high-quality products and fine services for 9 years on Amazon. However, we have recently noticed that some other merchants maliciously sell low quality and counterfeit products in our page which do not match the description in our page, resulting in some negative reviews that do not match our products. This really makes our customer confused and leads to a poor customers' shopping experience.
If need some specific evidence, please contact us.
We specifically ask for help, hoping that Amazon can intervene and investigate this issue.
We hope that Amazon can help us delete these negative reviews for the following considerations:
1.Affecting customer experience: Comments that do not match our products can mislead consumer purchasing decisions and affect Amazon's customer experience. This violates the first article of the Amazon Seller Code of Conduct: Provide accurate information to Amazon and our customers at all times
2.Unfair competition in marketplace: These malicious selling behaviors have deliberately undermined the brand reputation YANIBEST has been striving to maintain by providing quality products and services. This violates the second article of the Amazon Seller Code of Conduct: Act fairly and not misuse Amazon’s features or services. Amazon established the "Sell Yours on Amazon" to improve the customers experience and promote healthy competition among sellers, but these merchants' malicious selling behaviors deviate from Amazon's original intention.
3.Reviews inconsistent with reality affecting sales: Negative reviews that do not match the product lead to a lack of customer trust in our brand, affecting our conversion rate, damaging the interests of both us and Amazon.
Here are our two requests:
1.We request the Amazon team to investigate this issue and help us delete these negative reviews caused by malicious selling behavirs, so that consumers can obtain the most accurate and credible product information.
2.In order to protect the fair competitive market environment of Amazon and prevent merchants who operate in good faith from being affected by malicious competition, we hope that the Amazon will increase the review of Piggyback sell in the future, strictly evaluate the qualifications and reputation of reselling sellers, and strengthen the control over product quality and sources to ensure that follow-on selling products have the same quality as genuine products.
We believe that Amazon has a firm belief in maintaining a fair, transparent, and credible shopping environment. We look forward to your reply, let us work together to create a better shopping experience for our customers.