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All calls to CreateInboundShipment must include a ShipmentId

by Rick_MWS

What is changing?

Starting August 27, 2019, all calls to the CreateInboundShipment operation must include a ShipmentId from a previous call to the CreateInboundShipmentPlan operation. This is required for optimal placement in Amazon's fulfillment network. After this date, calls to CreateInboundShipment that do not include a ShipmentId will fail.

Which marketplaces are affected?

The Spain, UK, France, Germany, Italy, India, Australia, and Japan marketplaces are affected. In all other marketplaces it is already a requirement to include a ShipmentId with all calls to the CreateInboundShipment operation.

Who is affected?

Developers with applications that call CreateInboundShipment without including a ShipmentId from a previous call to CreateInboundShipmentPlan are affected by this change.

What action is required?

If you have an application that is affected by this change, be sure to update your application's workflow. Ensure that all calls to CreateInboundShipment include a ShipmentId from a previous call to CreateInboundShipmentPlan.

For more information



Create an inbound shipment plan

Tags: FBA, Fulfillment, MFN
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